#TuneIn with: Amanda Bratt

#TuneIn with: Amanda Bratt

Our #TuneIn series explores the themes of⁠ mindfulness and self care. As a skincare brand, we⁠ understand that it isn’t just products that help you feel⁠ grounded. #TuneIn shares rituals and practices from our community that help us tune in to ourselves and the world around us.

We asked Amanda Bratt (@underwaterbrat) a champion spearfisher, freediver, trainer and artist based in Lahaina, Hawaii, what she does to #TuneIn.

What does it mean to tune in to your body?

To tune into your body is to completely cut off all the noise of the outside world and truly sink into your own inner world.

How do you listen to what your body needs?

I have found that there are three general things I can do that will give me direction as to what my body needs. A moment in the sunshine, a glass of water and planting my bare feet on the ground. I listen to my cravings and I acknowledge what I enjoy doing most and what it will physically take to succeed in those areas. Then I am able to motivate myself to do what it takes to excel.

Who do you feel attuned to?

I feel attuned to my partner. We are constantly learning and growing together. It takes a lot of trial and error to figure out the workings of someone's inner world. My mother has always known me inside and out, she has been the most constant attuned being in my life.

What people are on your same frequency?

Quite frankly, there aren't many people who share ALL of the same hobbies as me. There is even more rarely someone who was raised the way I was. I'm a Country Girl at heart, born in the Carolinas; then raised in Suzhou, China and for the last six years and onward my home is Maui, Hawai'i. If you know someone who has the same frequency please send them my contact information. As long as you are kind to others and care about the community, I consider you on my frequency.

When do you feel the most Attuned?

I feel most attuned when I am underwater in big blue or in the gym. Underwater, I can only be with my own thoughts and feel the weightlessness of my body as I sink deeper and deeper. When I am freediving, I can focus heavily on my actual organs like my lungs and diaphragm. While training in the gym, I can focus all of my mind on my muscles and technique. These are my areas for mind body attunement.